
Tekken 7 - Steve Season 3 df2 CH "Shiro" Combo. How do you do it? Is it fair?

This video goes over Steve's df2 CH "Shiro" combo and some of the balance issues surrounding a move that is supposedly justified by it's execution. 


eTokki Omni Akira Fightstick

The eTokki Omni is probably my favorite manufactured stick. It is very durable and extremely customizable. The weight of the metal case makes it good for high tension levers. The housing can support Japanese or Korean levers without any additional parts or modification. The plexi that comes with it is clear and ready for artwork without having to do more than remove some screws. My only gripe is the chord; I wish it used some detachable cables, but I have seen people mod theirs to be able to accommodate one. A future project perhaps. I'm giving this one the Akira treatment for now. 

Black and Blue ButterboxHB

3d printed ButterCade hitbox fightstick with cherry mx blue switch gamerfinger buttons.



Outrun Qanba Obsidian Fightstick

Once you breakdown the Obsidian for the first time it becomes much easier to open up and tinker with. This is another one of those fightsticks that is pretty easy to customize and is very affordable when there are sales. I was inspired to customize mine like this after discovering /r/outrun on reddit.

I eventually upgraded the buttons to some gamerfingers.

From reddit:

The 80s was above all a time of optimism. The 'American dream' - the sunset beach, the fast car - felt that it was somehow within reach, not just in America but across the Western world. Even if not everyone made it at least you had a fair chance to. You could get an education and a good job. Buy a house. Technology was exciting and liberating. You could have a real computer in your home and use it to blat rows of descending aliens. And we - the Free West, with our democratic market economies and our open societies, our colour TVs and our microwave ovens, our skateboards and our pop music - were beating the Russians hands down. What a time to be alive! Yes, it was to some extent a shallow, brash, materialistic, even decadent decade, but it was one in which you were a winner on the winning side. With your walkman and your BMX, the future looked 'outrun' - cool, exciting, sexy, rich.

Fast forward to 2019. Now we are in time of pessimism. For most people, the economy hasn't really recovered from the 2008 crisis - a lot of people say their careers derailed and are still suffering from a decade of under-employment or lower incomes. Technology has ceased to be liberating and become terrifying: spying on people, interfering in elections. We are chained to our mobile devices. And we, the West, aren't so sure about our freedom anymore. Since 9/11 2001 that's been a bit shaky, a bit conditional. We've lost confidence in the core values and institutions that once defined us. The Russians and the Chinese are in the ascendant. The planet is dying, we can't even pretend it's not our fault.

The sunset beach and the fast car, the neon lights and the 8-bit graphics, were aspirational in the 1980s. Now they are nostalgic. They remind us of a simpler, more hopeful world. They remind us of a dream that was lost.


Mind Versus Heart - Mad Catz TE Soul Edition Fightstick

Mind Versus Heart - Mad Catz TE Soul Edition Fightstick Mod (imgur gallery)

This fightstick is a classic. I actually received mine as a groomsmen gift for one of my best friend's wedding. 

I am a big fan of the aethetics; unique bezel the edges look like blades, clear plastic with red and blue flat sides.

The customization for this variant is endless. You can purchase custom side panels at https://buttercade.com/shop along with a custom back panel to replace the cable door. 

I was inspired by posts like this to take my own crack at modding this old stick.


Modding a Qanba Obsidian, First Time Modding a Fightstick

I picked up a Qanba Obsidian on sale and finally took my first stab at modding a fightstick. I have been a long time follower of /r/fightsticks/ and while a lot of the pictures posted are inspirational, I was not able to find many visual aids that gave step-by-step instructions on how to actually perform the mods.

I decided I would record myself during the process and post up the videos on YouTube when I was finished. I did not plan to go much farther than that, but I guess it opened the door to being a potential content creator as well. Either way, it would give me something fun to do that I always wanted to try and get me to learn some skills that might come in handy later down the line. It probably wouldn't hurt anyone to know a little basic video editing.

A video series where I take my first attempt at modding a fight stick. I change out the plexi and install some new art buttons with custom artwork. I also replace the Sanwa joystick with a Korean Crown lever.


Tekken 7 - Road to Fujin

Finally hit blue ranks. I planned to stop here and move on to other games, but Tekken is life.

original twitter post