
Modding a Qanba Obsidian, First Time Modding a Fightstick

I picked up a Qanba Obsidian on sale and finally took my first stab at modding a fightstick. I have been a long time follower of /r/fightsticks/ and while a lot of the pictures posted are inspirational, I was not able to find many visual aids that gave step-by-step instructions on how to actually perform the mods.

I decided I would record myself during the process and post up the videos on YouTube when I was finished. I did not plan to go much farther than that, but I guess it opened the door to being a potential content creator as well. Either way, it would give me something fun to do that I always wanted to try and get me to learn some skills that might come in handy later down the line. It probably wouldn't hurt anyone to know a little basic video editing.

A video series where I take my first attempt at modding a fight stick. I change out the plexi and install some new art buttons with custom artwork. I also replace the Sanwa joystick with a Korean Crown lever.