
Stop Fighting Over Ideology and Focus on What Matters

In today's increasingly polarized world, it's more important than ever for dissident movements to unite and work together. But this is often easier said than done. One of the biggest challenges that dissidents face is the problem of ideological purity.

Too often, dissident groups become divided over minor ideological differences. This can lead to infighting, splintering, and a weakening of the overall movement.

I argue that dissidents need to focus on loyalty and friendship over ideological purity. What matters most is that we can trust each other and that we share a common goal: to challenge the status quo and create a better world.

I know this may sound like a radical idea, but it's important to remember that ideology is often used by the establishment to divide and weaken dissident movements. They want us to get bogged down in ideological disputes so that we don't focus on what's really important: fighting for change.

So, to all my fellow dissidents, I say this: stop fighting over ideology and focus on what matters. Let's build strong relationships, work together towards common goals, and discredit the authorities. That's the only way we're going to make a difference.

TL;DR: Dissidents need to focus on loyalty and friendship over ideological purity. Ideology is a distraction and dissidents should focus on working together to challenge the status quo and create a better world.